Saturday, October 22, 2016

Noticing God's Fingerprints

Prompt: Notice

// In the middle of our mundane days it can feel like life is truly just a wind-up clock that was left to run on its own until it ran itself out. But the truth is, of course, that God is intimately involved in every mundane detail of our days with eternal purposes and kingdom plans. How can we let that truth sink down deep into the soil of our hearts so that it waters the seeds He has planted there – seeds of purpose, courage, intentionality, faithfulness, and peace?

We have to pay attention, living in watchfulness to notice God’s fingerprints all over our little moments every day. We may persist in being completely bewildered on how God’s plans include certain aspects of our lives and need to push through doubt to choose the faith that trusts in those moments, but often I think there is plenty of evidence of His design if we are tuned in to see – to notice His hand moving. //

Years ago a dear friend shared these words from her father and they have impacted me deeply ever since – “Prayer is often like turning on a radio – it tunes us into what God is doing.” When I take the time to begin my day in deep contemplative prayer, the kind that takes it’s time and waits in stillness for the Lord, then I find my heart is much more tuned in to what God is doing throughout the day in our little home and the small patch of world around us. 

Likewise, when I am wise in structuring our days, keeping my priorities straight and not trying to squeeze in too much, then I find that my soul has room to breathe, watch, consider, and notice what God is doing. And in that noticing I find contentment, birthed out of a deep awareness of God’s sovereignty and love constantly moving in our lives.

I am continuing on with my Write 31 Days theme of "31 Days to Slowing Down and Living More Simply" with reflections based on my reading of Emily P. Freeman's book Simply Tuesday and the prompts given at the FMFW page. My "Five Minute Free Write" portion will be enclosed with // and any extra thoughts will follow.

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